Mathias M. 35 let , životopis 1427016
Garantujeme, že hledá práciPředstava o práci
Chci pracovat jako
Možná spolupráce
Vzdělání Bakalářské
Periyar University
Computer Science
2011 – 2014Bakalářské
Praxe 8 let a 7 měsíců
2025 – dosud 3 měsíce
>> Working both independently and as a team, in a fastpaced environment, directly with our customers. >> Managing inbound support emails, chats, and phonecalls. >> Providing articulate, high quality support to customers by helping resolve support questions, identifying and reporting on trends and educating on best practices. >> Collaborating with teams across different departments to resolve identifeid system issues.
IT support
duben 2021 – prosinec 2024 3 roky a 9 měsíců
>>Support Install and configure computer hardware operatingsystems and applications >>Provide support in a face-to-face capacity, over thephone or via remote desktop software, helping staff orclients set up systems or resolve issues >>Support the roll-out of new applicationsIdentifying, analyzing, and resolving technical problemsrelated to hardware, software, networks, and cloud-based services. >>Collaborate with cross-functional teams to addresscomplex issues and ensure the accurate >>Documentation of processes, solutions, and systemconfigurations. >>Managing support tickets, prioritizing tasks, andmeeting service level agreements (SLAs). >>Keep the IT Asset Management Systems up to date at all times.
leden 2020 – leden 2021 1 rok a 1 měsíc
>> Programming of PLC control systems >> Deploying programs to customer sites >> Designing HMI diagrams >>Programs troubleshooting & diagnostics Customer &Hardware SupportInstall
IT support Assistant
2016 – 2019 3 roky a 6 měsíců
>>Installation, configuration, and maintenance of end. >>Providing technical support and training to local end users. >>Adminstration of corporate Microsoft 365 tenant. >>Prioritise IT support tickets based on urgency. >>Maintain asset inventory of hardware within assigned. >>Work with suppliers to deliver issue resolutions. >>Work with outside contractors, project teams andinternal staff to maintain and repair all IT assets. >>Support Windows laptops and desktops including End Of Life replacement, configuration and deployment.
Řidičský průkaz
B - osobní auta
Technické znalosti
Operační systémy
MS Windows 8 / 10 / 11Zkušený
Linux / BSD / UnixPokročilý
Běžná práce na počítači
MS OutlookZkušený
Databázové systémy
MySQL / MariaDBPokročilý
Mé silné stránky
Ochota učit se
Zvládání stresu, práce pod tlakem
Mohu nabídnout
Logické myšlení
Řešení problémů pomocí kritického myšlení
Srozumitelná a efektivní komunikace