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L. K.

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Vzdělání Vysokoškolské

Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně - Bezpečnostní technologie, systémy a managament (Security Technologies, Systems and Management)

Ing. Bezpečnostní technologie, systémy a managament- manažerské zaměření (Security Technologies, Systems and Management)

březen 2016 – srpen 2018Vysokoškolské

Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně - Bezpečnostní technologie, systémy a managament (Security Technologies, Systems and Management)

Bezpečnostní technologie, systémy a managament (Security Technologies, Systems and Management)

září 2013 – srpen 2016Bakalářské

Střední odborná škola průmyslová a Střední odborné učiliště strojírenské, Prostějov, Lidická 4 - Elektrotechnika; Secondary Technical School of Industry and Secondary School of Engineering

Elektrotechnika (Slaboproudá elektrotechnika) Electrical Engineering (Low voltage electrical engineering)

září 2008 – duben 2012SŠ s maturitou

Praxe 12 let a 9 měsíců


HSES Manager: Hungary: Jászárokszállás + Slovak Republic: Žilina & Trnava

srpen 2020 – dosud 4 roky a 3 měsíce

Managing HSES - (Healthy, Safety, Environment, Security) in 3 plants : Hungary & 2 in Slovak Republic according to Faurecia excellence system - ISO 14 001 and OHSAS 45 001. Im responsible for: risk assessment, KPI, budgeting, coaching, training, reporting, acceptance of new machines, Safety Core Team, new project, action plans, QRCI, KATA (8D), nearmiss and accident investigation, manuf costs, etc..


Sales & Project manager.

duben 2023 – červen 2024 1 rok a 3 měsíce

Sales manager: Key account for customers portfolio of Tier 1, 2, 3, (mainly automotive) with responsibility of sustainability, pricing of new projects and overall communication with customers. Follow-up of the projects to the production phase and complete support during the life of the projects. Project manager: Responsible for leading of critical projects. Establishing clear actions and achievable project goals with responsibility for their achievement in cooperation with other departments.


FES&P Lean (Six Sigma) & Digitalization, automatization Manager: Czech Republic.

únor 2022 – březen 2023 1 rok a 2 měsíce

Responsibility for FES&P (Forvia excellence system & productivity). Leading of FES&P department and Forvia excelence system implementation within the plant. Continuous improvements in production & leading and managing of projects: Hoshin workshops, SMED workshops, MIFD/MIFA etc. Preparation of plant improvement plan and definition of KPI for all processes. Jishuken activities (WIP/ Shopstock/ Batch size reduction, Yamazumi diagram, SMED C/O time reduction etc.) on production lines. Stabilization and output increase on critical projects and lines, driving the teams to achieve results to increase of output, fulfill deliveries, decrease scrap and rework, motivation of the teams. Responsibility for finding savings within the manufacturing cost. Leading of plant digitalization (mLean, SLM, DMC, ect.) & warehouse management.


HSES Coordinator/FES&P engineer

duben 2020 – srpen 2020 5 měsíců

Managing HSES - (Healthy, Safety, Environment, Security) in 3 plants : Czech Republic & 2 in Slovak Republic according to Faurecia excellence system - ISO 14 001 and OHSAS 18 001. Im responsible for: risk assessment, KPI, budgeting, coaching, training, reporting, acceptance of new machines, Safety Core Team, new project, action plans, QRCI, KATA (8D), nearmiss and accident investigation, manuf costs, etc.


HSES Coordinator

srpen 2018 – duben 2020 1 rok a 9 měsíců

Managing HSES - (Healthy, Safety, Environment, Security) in 3 plants : Czech Republic & 2 in Slovak Republic according to Faurecia excellence system - ISO 14 001 and OHSAS 18 001. Im responsible for: risk assessment, KPI, budgeting, coaching, training, reporting, acceptance of new machines, Safety Core Team, new project, action plans, QRCI, KATA (8D), nearmiss and accident investigation, manuf costs, etc..


HSES Specialist

říjen 2017 – srpen 2018 11 měsíců

Support for HSES - (Healthy, Safety, Environment, Security) in 3 plants : Czech Republic and 2 in Slovakia Republic according to Faurecia excellence system - ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Im responsible for: risk assessment, KPI, budgeting, cauching, training, reporting, acceptance of new machines, Safety Core Team, new project, action plans, QRCI (8D), nearmiss and accident investigation, etc...


HSES Junior

říjen 2016 – říjen 2017 1 rok a 1 měsíc

Healthy, Safety, Environment, Security


Servisní technik v auto-moto (Service engineer in auto-moto)

srpen 2016 – říjen 2016 3 měsíce

Diagnostika, servis závad (Diagnostics, fault service)



2015 – 2016 1 rok a 6 měsíců

Úprava a vedení stránky. Tvorba reklamy a komunikace se zákazníky (Page editing and management. Creating advertising and communicating with customers.)


Údržbář (repairman)

2012 – 2016 4 roky a 6 měsíců

Údržba obce, servisní technik, IT podpora (Community maintenance, service technician, IT support)


Kontrolor výroby (Production Controller)

2012 – 2013 1 rok a 6 měsíců

Product quality control


Kontrolor výroby (Production Controller)

2012 – 2013 1 rok a 6 měsíců

Product quality control


angličtinastředně pokročilá


Řidičský průkaz

A - motocykly

B - osobní auta

Technické znalosti

Operační systémy

MS Windows 8 / 10 / 11

MS Windows XP / Vista / 7

Běžná práce na počítači

Textový editor (MS Word)

Tabulkový kalkulátor (MS Excel)

Prezentační program (MS PowerPoint)

Internetový prohlížeč a e-mail

MS Outlook

Další programy a počítačové znalosti

2009 - Kurz psání všemi deseti na PC (Course writing by all ten on PC) 2009 - ECDL Certificate Modul 1 - Základní pojmy informačních tehnologií (Basic concepts of information technology) Modul 2 - Práce s počítačem a správa souborů (Working with Your Computer and Managing Files) Modul 3 - Textový editor (Text Editor) Modul 4 - Tabulkový kalkulátor (Table calculator) Modul 5 - Databáze a systémy pro úschovu dat (Databases and Data Storage Systems) Modul 6 - Prezentace (Presentation) Modul 7 - Služby informačních sítí (Information Network Services)


Mé silné stránky

Aktivní přístup


Ochota učit se




Spolehlivost, zodpovědnost


Zvládání stresu, práce pod tlakem

Mohu nabídnout


Logické myšlení

Řešení problémů pomocí kritického myšlení

Schopnost práce v kolektivu a týmové práce

Srozumitelná a efektivní komunikace

Tvůrčí (kreativní) myšlení

Manažerské dovednosti

Budování a vedení týmu (leadership)


Award: International plant support.

Support of plants in the smooth implementation of automotive standards focused on HSE and Lean manufacturing (Turkey, Czech Republic).


Award: A new safer machine concept.

My new concept of the machine including buidling by external company under my supervision. Testing period and final tuning focused on eliminating the high risk of serious injury, comfortable use and efective production. Compliance with all safety regulations and standards, including CE certification.


Award: Being back a safe plant - Faurecia FCM Hungary (Crisis manager)

Ensure that the plant being back a safe. Set up a functioning and sustainable system, including setting all Faurecia standards & governmental regulations. Transition to the new ISO standard from ISO 18 001 to 45 001. Maintenance of ISO 14 001. (Crisis management).


Award: Special COVID - 19 recognition (Hungary & Slovakia plants), Faurecia FCM (Cluster 4 East Europe)

For the successful implementation of all anti-covid measures and the successful completion of covid audits without jeopardizing the smooth running of the plant in my perimeter of responsibility (Hungary & Slovakia Republic).


Award: HSE GROUP Q3-CHALLENGE (SAFETY CAMPAIGN), Faurecia FCM (Cluster 4 East Europe)

The Jászárokszállás plant (Hungary) was placed as the second plant in the eastern cluster in the campaign for safety (HSE GROUP Q3-CHALLENGE


Award: Employee of the month, Faurecia FCM Hungary

For great effort, successful implementation HSE standards and team spirit.


Auditor ISO 45001:2018 (OHSAS 18001)


EMS Auditor

Auditor systému environmentálního managementu (Environmental Management System Auditor)


Odborná způsobilost v prevenci rizik (OZO) dle zákona č. 309/2006 Sb. (Professional Competence in Risk Prevention (OZO) pursuant to Act No. 309/2006 Coll.)


TUV SUD Czech Bezpečnost strojů a strojních zařízení.

listopad 2016


Automotive, improvement process, adrenaline sports, traveling, cooking. Awards and prizes: 1) HSE GROUP Q3-CHALLENGE (SAFETY CAMPAIGN) - Faurecia 2020.... 2) The Jászárokszállás plant (Hungary) was placed as the second plant in the eastern cluster in the campaign for safety (HSE GROUP Q3-CHALLENGE). - Faurecia 2020.... 3) Employee of the month - plant Hungary. Faurecia - 2/2020.... 4) Special Covid - 19 recognition 2020. For great effort and team spirit (Cluster 4 East Europe). Faurecia.

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