M. D. , životopis 1321540
Vzdělání SŠ nebo vyučení s maturitou
SEŠ Sady Naděždy Krupské, Praha 10 Vršovice
Zahraniční obchod
září 1985 – červenec 1989SŠ s maturitou
Praxe 29 let a 2 měsíce
BE******* o.
Managing director
srpen 2022 – dosud 2 roky a 8 měsíců
Establishing a new vision and goals of the company, restructuring and reorganizing the team to increase efficiency, developing product lines for new target groups, strategic pricing and improving competitiveness, developing own new products, marketing (new catalogs, social networks, etc.), optimizing technical solutions and production processes, HR.
Self employement - design and production of educational toys
září 2013 – dosud 11 let a 7 měsíců
Design, development and production of unique children's educational games of CZ production; some patented at the ÚPV in Prague. The preventive game "Cyber Town" won the selection procedure of NÚKIB (State cyber security institution). Lectures in libraries and schools.
IQ******* o.
březen 2008 – září 2013 5 let a 7 měsíců
Business management and production of luxury interior staircases made of solid wood - design, production, assembly. Exhibition business, development of surface treatments, export to Great Britain. Production through 5-axis CNC, capacity 120 stairs per year.
Director Czech Rep. and Slovakia
květen 2000 – únor 2005 4 roky a 10 měsíců
The first "non UK" local BA director in history. Successful turnaround of unfavorable market development in the Czech Republic within one year. Effective resolution of a crisis in a key distribution channel. 9/11 crisis management. Repeatedly elected to the position of President of the Board of Airlines Association.
District manager Bulgaria
únor 1997 – duben 2000 3 roky a 3 měsíce
Main responsibility for business management, marketing strategies and operational activities at the airport. Successfully managing the transition to Y2k. Increasing the number of flights between London and Sofia, increasing turnover, launching an incentive program on the market.
Marketing director Czech Republic and Slovakia
únor 1993 – listopad 1997 4 roky a 10 měsíců
Organization of unique PR events - "BA/ELLE Fashion show" with the presentation of new uniforms in Barrandov film studios. Development and implementation of an incentive program for travel agencies; it was subsequently applied across Central Europe. "Rudolf II and Prague" - opening evening for 1,600 guests, broadcast on ČT2, moderated by Marek Eben. Red nose day, 24 hrs Concorde trip to Cairo and many more.
Sales manager Slovakia, Marketing manager CZ and SR
leden 1995 – leden 1997 2 roky a 1 měsíc
Project management of the opening of the British Airways office in Slovakia (complete organization, recruitment and training of employees, implementation of internal processes, organization of a gala evening at the grand opening, external PR - radio, press). All in 6 months time. Simultaneously held the position of marketing director for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
ruštinapokročilý začátečník
Řidičský průkaz
B - osobní auta
Technické znalosti
Operační systémy
MS Windows 8 / 10 / 11Zkušený
ERP a účetní software
Mé silné stránky
Aktivní přístup
Ochota učit se
Spolehlivost, zodpovědnost
Zvládání stresu, práce pod tlakem
Mohu nabídnout
Asertivní jednání
Logické myšlení
Řešení problémů pomocí kritického myšlení
Schopnost práce v kolektivu a týmové práce
Srozumitelná a efektivní komunikace
Tvůrčí (kreativní) myšlení
Manažerské dovednosti
Budování a vedení týmu (leadership)
Další dovednosti
I am a professional with proven management skills who focuses on developing business and marketing strategies and leading teams to achieve excellent results. I have developed organizational and motivational skills, which I use effectively in human resource management and project management. I am characterized by strong decision-making abilities, I manage situations even in moments of crisis. I am a loyal, creative and energetic, result-oriented worker with strong communication skills.
Passport to sales and marketing
Winning for customers
Finance for leaders
PR training - crisis management
People management skills
Putting people first
Life is a pitch
presentation course
Project management