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S. O. , životopis 1348766
Vzdělání Vysokoškolské
PhD Economics and Econometrics
září 2023 – dosudVysokoškolské
University of Nairobi
MSC Health Economics and Policy
září 2017 – září 2021Vysokoškolské
Kenyatta University
září 2012 – červenec 2016Bakalářské
Emmanuels Computer Academy
Computer Studies
únor 2012 – květen 2012Vyučení
Chianda Boys High School
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
únor 2008 – listopad 2011SŠ s maturitou
Praxe 6 let
Accounts Clerk
leden 2022 – srpen 2023 1 rok a 8 měsíců
• Bookkeeping: Maintaining accurate financial records by recording daily transactions, processing invoices, and reconciling bank statements. • Accounts payable: Managing and processing invoices from suppliers and vendors, ensuring that payments are made on time and accurately. • Accounts receivable: Managing and processing invoices to customers, following up on overdue payments, and managing customer account balances. • Payroll: Processing employee payroll, including calculating hours worked, deducting taxes and other withholdings, and issuing pay checks. • Financial reporting: Preparing financial reports, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. • Budgeting and forecasting: Assisting in the preparation of budgets and forecasts, tracking expenses against budget, and providing analysis of financial results. • General administrative duties: Filing financial documents, responding to inquiries from other departments, and performing other administrative tasks as needed.
Research Assistant
říjen 2020 – leden 2022 1 rok a 4 měsíce
• Participating in the collection and collating of population, demographic, and vital statistics data and ad-hoc survey data. • Providing support in the piloting of the survey processes; • Dispatching and receiving survey materials; • Providing support in the development of the 2019 KPHC monographs • Collecting prices in Consumer Price Index, CPI using ODK Collect • Collecting retail prices from a specific basket every month between the 8th and 21st of every month. • Identifying specific outlets, engaging the owners or those in charge, and getting the necessary prices.
Young Statistician
říjen 2019 – září 2020 1 rok
• Assisted in the development and review of data collection tools. • Collected, collated, and compiled data. • Followed up data requests from data producers and responded to data users’ requests. • Assisted in the preparation of technical reports. • Worked closely with supervisor and colleagues to implement programs and activities of the county. • Assisted in the preparation for planned events and activities by developing and assembling information and necessary materials’ • Participated in the county meetings and training.
I *****ted
Direct Sales Executive
srpen 2017 – srpen 2019 2 roky a 1 měsíc
• Identified business opportunities and evaluated prospects' profiles in the industry, as well as researched and analyzed sales options. • Sold products by establishing a contract and developing a relationship with prospects, and recommending solutions. • Maintained relationships with the client by providing support, information, and guidance, researching and recommending new opportunities, profit, and service improvement. • Contributed to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed
Technické znalosti
Operační systémy
MS Windows 8 / 10 / 11Expert
MS Windows XP / Vista / 7Expert
Chytrý telefon AndroidExpert
Chytrý telefon Apple iOSExpert
Běžná práce na počítači
Textový editor (MS Word)Expert
Tabulkový kalkulátor (MS Excel)Expert
Prezentační program (MS PowerPoint)Expert
Internetový prohlížeč a e-mailExpert
MS OutlookExpert
Psaní všemi desetiExpert
Programovací jazyky
Tvorba obsahu a online marketing
E-mail marketingPokročilý
Google search consoleZkušený
Další programy a počítačové znalosti
Mé silné stránky
Aktivní přístup
Ochota učit se
Spolehlivost, zodpovědnost
Zvládání stresu, práce pod tlakem
Mohu nabídnout
Asertivní jednání
Logické myšlení
Řešení problémů pomocí kritického myšlení
Schopnost práce v kolektivu a týmové práce
Srozumitelná a efektivní komunikace
Tvůrčí (kreativní) myšlení
Manažerské dovednosti
Budování a vedení týmu (leadership)